Vibrosonic GmbH
Franz-Volhard-Str. 3
68167 Mannheim
Managing director authorised to represent the company
Dr. Dominik Kaltenbacher
T +49 (0) 621 1806 269 0
F +49 (0)621 1806 269 9
Hotline for doctors: +49 (0) 621 1806 25 25
Entry in the commercial register
Register court: Mannheim Local Court
Register number: HRB 724289
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG:
DE 305618541
DE 80193447
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Please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
T +49 (0)621 1806 269 0
Vibrosonic GmbH
Franz-Volhard-Straße 3
68167 Mannheim